407.622.5020 info@lomaslawpa.com
Christine J. Lomas, Esquire

Christine J. Lomas, Esquire

Affordable advocacy with a passion for justice

LomasLaw, P.A.

Families and the events that involve family life are what LomasLaw, P.A. is all about. Whether it’s the beginning or end of a life together, or the beginning or end of life itself, LomasLaw, P.A. advocates for you—affordably and passionately.  Proudly serving the Central Florida area for over 10 years.

Family Law

Our Winter Park based firm handles many aspects of family law, including divorce, paternity, child support, modification, and others.


When an adult is unable to care for himself, or a child’s parents are unable to care for the child, a guardianship may be needed. We can help you navigate this challenging issue.


Under Florida probate law, also referred to as Florida estate law, there are many valuable property rights created for beneficiaries, heirs, next of kin, widows, and loved ones.

Simple Estate Planning

At LomasLaw P.A., we offer pragmatic, personalized representation to people in matters of estate planning.

Family Law

Sometimes things don’t work out – and when that happens, you may need a competent, experienced, and compassionate lawyer by your side working for your best interests to guide you through the process. For over a decade, LomasLaw, P.A. has been successfully helping clients towards their new life paths while achieving favorable results. Our number one source for future clients is our former clients – that says it all!


When a family member suffers from dementia or experiences a traumatic brain injury, guardianship may be the only option to protect her and make decisions on her behalf. LomasLaw, P.A. helps clients establish guardianships for their loved ones in the best interests of those most vulnerable, and we stay with our clients to assist with annual reporting requirements throughout.


It is a fact of life that when a loved one passes away, we are sometimes left to deal with what he leaves behind and the possible conflicts that may arise. LomasLaw, P.A. helps navigate our clients through the legal processes involved with settling an estate as well as deal with the personalities involved along the way.

Simple Estate Planning

Question: who needs estate planning? Answer: every adult – young or old – single or married. Without it, you may subject yourself to an invasive and expensive guardianship if you become incapacitated, or you may subject your loved ones to extensive and expensive probate proceedings. LomasLaw, P.A. affordably gives our clients simple solutions to maintain control if and when the unexpected or inevitable arise.

Let’s Talk

We’re available to meet with you by appointment, either virtually or in our office. Please contact us to get started. 

331 S. Wymore Rd
Winter Park, FL 32789

(407) 622-5020

Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm or by appointment

Ask about our new East Orlando Location (near UCF)
By Appointment Only

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